Friday 14 May 2010

Learning, memory and nostalgia

In today we learnt about nostalgia and memory.

Nostalgia would consist of a persons 5 senses to help them remeber somthing that has happened to them in the past, for example, in their chilhood, when they were a teenager or even something that happened a couple of days ago which was a happy memory. I have been told that all happy memories reamin longer in your brain then sad, nostalgia only mainly happens with happy memories.

Solomon, states nostalgia is like a bittersweet emotion when the past is viewed by a people with sadness and some products appeal to consumer which remind them of their younger days.

Nostalgia tends to occur when something reminds them of the past which could be from songs, to soaps storylines Different types of people have different products or memories that make them individually feel nostalgic. Personally, the things that make me feel nostalgic are:

Montem Primary School - My first school that i wnt to, the best and happy days of my life.

The Spice Girls - When i was little, The Spice Girls where my favourite girl band. I uses to be so inspired by them and used to listen to their music all the time.

The Rugrats - Oww they where my favourite cartoons. I remember coming back from school and The Rugrats used to come on. I would watch them every day. My Favourite charactor was Tom, becasue he was the clever baby!!!

These are all things that I have grown up with. The music, tv and School life all helped me with growing up. They where the best times of my life and when i look back at these memories, they instantly make my emotions happier when reminiscing about them.

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