Definition of Perception
Schiffman (1994) and Kanuk (2004) states perception is an process whereby an individual selects, arranges and interprets stimuli into meaningful and logical pictures of the world. In other words it is the ‘how we see the world around us.’
Solomon (2006, pp36) states individuals process raw material through their huma
n organs but, the study of perception concentrates on what individuals add or take away from those sensations.
What is a perceptual process?
Solomon (2006, pp36) states it is when individuals go through s
tages of where information is processed using stimuli to input and store the informatio
n. Though people do not process all kinds of information that is presented to us as only
a few amount of stimuli are noticed. Stimuli tend to be interpreted by an individual th
at is influenced by their unique needs, experiences and biases. The three stages wh
ich form the process of perception are sensation, attention and interpretation.
(1994) and Kanuk (2004) states Sensation stage relates to the instant response of an individual’s sensory receptors
to simple stimuli such as a brand name, a advertisement, a package. The quality of an
individual’s sensory receptors effort the outcome of the perception process a
s a blind individual might have a more developed sense of hearing as they could be able to hearing what a normal ave
rage individual with normal sight cannot.
The kinds of TV commercials which could appeal more to individua
ls who are blind than a normal average individual when most of the context
of the advert is expressed through the figure of speak rather than illustratio
Solomon (2006, pp36) states the second stage of the process of perception
is attention which is a extent to which consumers focus on stimuli inside their range of exposure. Due to consumers being expo
sed to lots of advertising stimuli which forces marketers to become creative in
order to gain attention for the products/services they provide.
Solomon (2006, pp 48)The finally stage is interpretat
ion is where meanings are assigned to stimuli. As individuals tend to vary in terms of the stimuli which they
perceive as well the response to those stimuli tend to differ.
For example, two or more individuals c
ould see the same event however their interpretation of the event might be different.
This view has been supported in the work of Solomon (2006, pp.50).
The perception process

The NLP which is known as the model of communication explains individuals take in two million pieces of information every second through their five senses. In order to balance the vast amount of information the mind filters it by deleting, distorting and generalizing it through our memories, beliefs, attitudes, values etc. Afterwards then an individual forms an representation of the world we are interpreting through sounds, feeling, images. The above changes an individual’s physiology which effects the behaviour.
Gestalt theory refer to where an individual looks at an object as a whole but also consider the various parts that make up the object. This is because an individual normally does not consider the various parts that make up an object. This theory relates to the perception process as some people may look at an object as a whole whereas as some stimuli will make others have a total different perception of what they think it is.
In this week Lecture Ruth showed us some TV advertisements, Magazine adverts, newspaper adverts to help explain how different advertises try to engage with our senses to appeal to us.
Below are display some example of TV Adverts Ruth was showing that use senses in order for us to try to appeal to the adverts.
The above adverts appeal to each of mention senses above it however the more sense an advert is able to attract than the likeliness of it being remembered tends to increase.
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