Making a good first impression is extremely important as it only takes a glance or longer for a person to evaluate someone when they meet them for the first time. During a short span of time, the other individual form opinions and assumptions based on a person’s appearance, behaviour mannerisms, body language, present themselves.
The first impression cannot be emphasized how important enough as it is quite impossible to undo what type of impression an individual gives another as it sets a “tone for the all relationships that follows. “
As individuals grow up during different stages of their lives it is important for them to make a great first impression at every new encounter. For example, on the first day at work, first meeting with their boyfriends parents.
Below is a video which indicates how important it is to make a good first impression are as people get judge straight and other form a perception of them before getting to know them properly. Also it emphasises how awkward first impression actual are.
Below is display a cartoon pictures which helps highlight some individuals are not concerned about the kind of first impression they give to people. As people like Fred in this picture think it saves people time to not make a good first impression which is not in really true. Personally I think you get have to make a more of an effort and present, portray yourself in a good way.
After all the questions had been answered the tutor collected the piece of paper and gave them out to different pupils so that we couldn’t get our own paper back. This exercise was to whoever actual received the paper to state at the back of it what type of person it is by looking at what the shape was drawn and the kinds of answers. Every individual had the opportunity to either write or draw their responses as an image. If an individual draw their most of their responses than it would indicate they creative people or they are individuals who prefer to express themselves to pictures. However, if the wrote their responses than it would it indicate they are more literate or perhaps they are individual who like to express themselves in words.
Later in the class, an perception experiment was undertaken which involved analysing two random students.
Each pupils of the class formed their own assumptions about the two pupils by analysing their appearance. After the two particupate enter the classroom everyone had to write down on a piece of paper what their both their impressions and their thoughts are about the two participates. The two girl were not allowed to speak apart from answering yes or no to each of the question which they were asked by members of the class during the experiment.
Each class members decided on the following regarding the two participate :
- what age/gender they are?
- what their nationality?
- which types of retailers they shop at?
- what kind of music they liked?
- whether they are sport or not?
- what course they study?
Overall, the members of the class were right on that the two female students were 18 years old. However, there wasn’t a member in the class who’s assumption was right regarding each of their nationally. As some members though they were Russian, Walsh. However, both of them were polish. The members of the groups assumptions were right in relation to what types of retailers the first female and second female shopped at. For instants, their assumptions where right about both of the female prefer to shop at retailers like T- Shop, H&M, Next, Riverisland etc. Furthermore, the members of the class formed assumptions due to the first girls clothes she must be sport as she was wearing sporting clothes and like rock music. As well as due to the second girl dress sense they formed an assumption she’s not into sports as she was wearing more casual clothes and prefers pop songs due to they way she looked. The assumption were correct however, they assumption were wrong in relation to what course they though each of the girl study. As many class member assumed the first girl was studying information technology and they assumed the second girl was studying law as she seem to be a girl was intelligent and who likes to read. Also the some class members came up with other opinions about the two girls such as they though due to the first girls dress sense she a bubble personality who likes to have a laugh and who is not shy as she was wearing clothes which were of brightly colours. As well as some class member’s perception of the second girl was that she was quite a shy person who kept herself to herself as due to body lauguage and they way she presentated herself e.g. wearing dark coloured clothes.
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