Kolter states,this model is used to illustrate both marketing stimuli and other stimuli that affects the consumer's and then creates a particular buyers responses. According to theorist named Kolter the marketing stimuli for business purchasing involve the four Ps of marketing price, place, product, promotion. Also the other stimuli consist of rather influences power in the political, economic, social, technological, environment, competitive and culture. When all these stimuli go into the black box the buyers have to respond by choice i.e. Product, brand, deal, purchase timing and the purchase amount.
During our daily lives we all go through deciding what to buy whethers it is a refreshment such as soft drink or buying clothes. During this, we all go through a process of decising making.
Decision buying process

However, if a man went to a shop to buy his regular brand of shampoo after recogining the need for it. This man would skip stages which involve information search, evaluation of alternatives as he would be happy enough to purchase a shampoo from the brand which he reguarly uses than looking to find an alternative one.
Additionally, this model is used to illustrate when a consuemr faces a more complex purchasing decision to make.
Kolker states, the first stage of this process is Problem recognition which refers to a consumer recognise a need or either a problem. The second stages is when a consumer searches for more information. It is mentioned if a consumers drive is weak than they may just store information in memory or undergo a information search for their need or problem. However, if a consumer's drive is strong as well as the product which is needed is near than it is highly likely a purchase would be made.
Kolker states, consumers are able to obtain information from several sources:
Personal sources: friends, family, neighbours
Commercial sources: the internet, adverting, displays, salespeople.
The third stage is evaluate alternative which whereby a consumer uses information to actual evaluation what other alternatives are on offer. Also the fourth stage is when a good is actual purchased. And finally, the last stage of this process is postpurchase behaviour that is when a consumer takes more action after a purchase has been made which is based on their own satisfaction.
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