- the upper class- often the members of this class have inherited wealth.
- the middle class- the majority of britain can be classed as being middle class
- lower class or working class- people who work in agriculture.
Generation X members are sometimes known as baby busters which where the generation that was hugely effected by the economic downturn in the first part of the 1990's, so called Baby busters include many people both in and out of higher education.
The Rugrats - Oww they where my favourite cartoons. I remember coming back from school and The Rugrats used to come on. I would watch them every day. My Favourite charactor was Tom, becasue he was the clever baby!!!
Furthermore, one of the main influence of groups are to fulfill certain expectation of behaviour such as rules of the group. However, we learnt in class that people may react to the pressure of their groups by the following:
Additionally, there tends to be a huge amount of peer pressure on members of groups as they have to try to fit in.
Opinion Leadership
Solomon, During people's life everyone has come aware of people who have great knowledge regarding goods and their advice tends to be taken seriourly than others for that reason. Those people are called opinion leadership as they regularly are able to have an influence through their attitudes or their behaviour.